No.532 爆風圧に対する防護壁の影響検討シミュレーション(爆薬:球形)(防護壁:高さ1.0m)


参考文献: 基礎からの爆発安全工学, 森北出版

Keywords: Axisymmetric ALE, Blast waves, H.E shape=sphere, hight of the blast wall = 1.0m

Tools: LS-PrePost ver.4.9, LS-DYNA MPP Win64 R13.1.0


August 11, 2022 create a new entry

 Study on the effects of blast wall against blast waves
Fig.1 Blast waves / H.E shape = sphere / Blast wall = 1.0m

 Study on the effects of blast wall against blast waves
Fig.2 Material distribution / H.E shape = sphere / Blast wall = 1.0m

 Study on the effects of blast wall against blast waves
Fig.3 Blast waves t=18ms / H.E shape = sphere / Blast wall = 1.0m

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