TNT爆薬10gが水中で爆発した際に発生する初期衝撃波の伝播挙動をStructured ALE Solver (S-ALE)を使用してシミュレーションを行った例を示します。爆薬が水深100cmで爆発したケースの結果を示します。
This is an example of simulation for the behavior of the initial shock wave propagation when 10g of TNT explosive charge explodes underwater. The Structured ALE Solver (S-ALE) are used. Here is a case where the explosive charge was located at a depth of 100 cm below the water surface.
Keywords: Shockwave propagation due to UNDEX (underwater explosion), Structured ALE, 3D, 1/2 model, TNT 10g, H.E shape = cubic, Depth of Charge = 100cm
Tools: LS-PrePost ver.4.9, LS-DYNA MPP Win64 R13.1.0
August 17, 2022 create a new entry
Fig.1 Shockwave propagation / Depth of Charge = 100cm
Fig.2 Shockwave propagation / Depth of Charge = 100cm
Fig.3 Shockwave propagation / Depth of Charge = 100cm
Fig.4 Shockwave propagation / Depth of Charge = 100cm
Fig.5 Shockwave propagation / Depth of Charge = 100cm