No.511 アルミハニカムの直交方向の軸圧縮変形解析(X軸方向の圧縮変形)

例題146をリメイクしてLS-DYNA ver.R12.0.0でシミュレーションした結果を掲載します。工学的にはあまり馴染みの無い直交方向の圧縮変形のケースを掲載します。このケースは,軸方向圧縮と比較して圧縮強度は大きく低下します。Z軸方向の圧縮と同様に,材料の降伏と塑性変形,構造の座屈,自己接触を含む極めて複雑で難易度の高いシミュレーションです。

Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

Keywords: Honeycomb, axial compression deformation, buckling, material yield, plastic deformation, self-contact

Tool: LS-PrePost ver.4.8, LS-DYNA MPP Win64 R12.0


April 18, 2022 create a new entry

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.1 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.2 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.3 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.4 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.5 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.6 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.7 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.8 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.9 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.10 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction (X)
Fig.11 Deformation behavior for axial compression of aluminum honeycomb in orthogonal direction

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